ohio is for lovers <3
Actual emails from people concerning the Ohio candle.
Out of an abundance of love and respect for my fans email addresses and names have been removed.
Warning: Contains Strong Language
I live between Cincinnati and Dayton.. and I have a daughter who lived in Fischer and a daughter who lived in St Louis... so we have visited/shopped/eaten many, many, many times in Indiana. Over spring break this year, we visited the Indianapolis Children's Museum. However, because of your rude, disrespectful attitude about Ohio, I will go out of my way to NEVER spend money in Indiana ever again.
I guess you never really been Ohio have you? Because if you have then your candles wouldn't be selling for $16 apiece and wouldn't smell like nothing.
I was you to take this candle of the market if you don't then there's going to be a lot of bed press. And it's actually starting already. Because nobody's willing to pay $16 a candle and listen to you insult places where people live.
If you actually wanna make money in this business then you might wanna consider redoing your sayings about other places. And how about educating yourselves and going to visit 1st before you decide to be asshole's about everything.
An Ohio Resident
P.s. Please don't respond because if you do it's got amount automatically go out on Twitter YouTube, and Facebook.
Just fair warning
Ohio might not be the greatest state, but come on! Nothing to see or do? We do not get a damn scent? We have beautiful sites and attractions! Kings island, coney island, trails, and great night life! You obviously havent been to Dayton, Cincinnati, Fairfield, west Chester, Columbus or Cleveland! And not to mention several serial killers were born here. After everything you couldnt come up with any scent for us? What kind of research did yall actually do before producing that ridiculous candle???
Thanks for the insult,
Pissed off Ohio
Pretty classless. Good job with all the bad press and restricting sales in your neighbor state while selling a Cincinnati candle. Marketing 101. Need I remind you, you reside in Indiana? Fort Wayne at that.
Thanks for the insult,
Pissed off Ohio

Hello f**ktard. I see you have caused quite the little stir with your hot takes. I just wanted to say f**k you and f**k your flat, uneventful piss bucket of a state. You say Ohio has nothing but we kinda have plains, mountains Eerie, the Ohio River, Cedar Point, the Cleveland Clinic, the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, The fucking Moth-man, Astronauts out the puss, sports teams out the tits, Guy Fieri, and candles that don't smell like regurgitated Portland wannabe with dreadlocks and a hate for deodorant that makes soy candles all day. You can put a level in every county in Indiana and the bead will never budge. You have a baby bite of a great lake if you think thats cool. Other than that all your known for is the wrestlers that literally have to fight to escape that a**hole and a solid reputation for f**king cattle. Do you prefer to suck off family members or family pets? I am truly curious. Honestly, you are probably too busy looking for gluten-free douche fluid to clean out your hole after another good reaming from the black angus you keep on the porch of your single wide box, you know, right beside the porch couch.
Anyway, f**k you and everything you stand for, go f**k yourself with a fist full of tree bark.
My name is Jeremy and I am a Baptist Christian. I feel very upset as I see and hear foolish people like you who dare to blasphemy Ohio, including lost fools like you. Yes, I mean foolish lost creatures like you whom god of this age who is Satan blinded your minds and your hearts with these demonic delusions. You folks are very unaware that Jesus Christ hates all perverts like you, not just for your rebellion against Him, but for your blasphemy and your shameless deeds. God is not mocked friends. Galatians 6: 7. Any God haters will face God's wrath on the given day which they expect not . Proverbs 6: 12-19. 1 Cor 6:9-10. When you die, you will go to the everlasting Hell where you will burn and suffer for all eternity. There no beer in Hell and not even water. No girls for sex, but demons who will torture you . Remember Lord Jesus told His Apostles the parable about the rich man and a beggar named Lazarus in Gospel of Luke 16 : 19-24 . As Lazarus saw the rich man in torments, so the same will be with you in fires of Hell Revelation 20: 15 .
As a Christian I wish you foolish creatures to repent and to believe unto Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 13: 3. Truly Jesus doesn't want you go to Hell, He wants you to repent of your foolishness and to follow Him . There is only Jesus Christ Who was, Who is, Who is going to return and judge the world.
Man, you’re so f**king funny. No for real, some wannabe f*kwit making fun of OHIO? Real original. You piss people off and expect to make money. Have fun living in your mom’s basement dumba**.
It’s real easy to hunt you down. Watch your back.
You’re an absolute piece of s**t. Go die.
Because of the overwhelming response to the Ohio candle, Simple Nature was able to donate $1803 (the year Ohio became a state) to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.